[WEBINAR] Optimizing your used-vehicle reconditioning: 5 pitfalls to avoid

REPLAY: 30 minutes to learn how to optimize your VO reconditioning.

In this webinar, we highlight the 5 pitfalls to avoid to improve the reconditioning of your VOs.

In this 30-minute video you will find :

  •  5 pitfalls to avoid if you want a more efficient refurbishing center ;
  •  Our advice on how to improve your VO reconditioning management is based on feedback and real-life examples;
  • A demonstration of the Progicar Remarket tool: the management solution for used-vehicle reconditioning plants.

To access the replay link, simply fill in the form opposite.

Mockup video equip auto
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Photo of a woman from the Progicar team
Written by Céline Carminati